Client Spotlight: All4Ella

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This week we spoke with Carla Carroll from All4Ella, who take pride in creating beautifully designed baby products with gorgeous colours and patterns that both parents and children will love.

Let’s get started!

What does your business do?

The All4Ella brand was created out of a mother’s love and desire to keep her baby safe, protected and comfortable. We take pride in creating beautifully designed products with gorgeous colours and patterns that both parents and children will love. We were the first to design the original pram peg, which was the starting point for our business and from there it has just grown and grown!

What’s one of your favourite baby products?

My favourite product would be the pram peg and muslin wrap. Struggling to get my new baby Ella to go to sleep while in her pram, I found a huge gap in the baby market – premium quality, double-weave muslin wraps, and pram pegs to keep the muslin securely in place. I discovered that these soft, gentle cotton wraps, secured with brightly coloured pegs, were the perfect way to protect my baby from the wind and bright lights, ensuring total breathability and allowing little Ella to get to sleep.

Why do you think your customers like this product range so much?

The range is bright, fun, and modern. The range makes life just that much easier for mums and dads, and we all know how much help you need when you’re a new parent. Our quality is the most important thing to us.

Can you give us a brief history of your business and the growth it has experienced so far?

All4Ella started two years ago this month, and in that time have grown to have over 300 retail outlets selling our range, and we sell internationally to South Africa and New Zealand. We’re hoping in the next two years to double our growth from where we are today!

How is Unleashed helping your business grow?

Unleashed has allowed us to purchase stock from different suppliers, pack it as one product, and sell into the market ensuring our stock on hand is always correct! This was the reason why Unleashed was chosen.

Is there something you are particularly excited for your business right now?

All4Ella is currently in a growth stage for products. We have many new ranges in the production stage, so watch this space for some exciting new things to come!

Are there any particular not-for-profit cause that you, or your business is passionate about?

We are very passionate about St Kilda Mums – the amazing work they do for mums and families is just inspirational.

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Melanie - Unleashed Software

Article by Melanie Chan in collaboration with our team of Unleashed Software inventory and business specialists. Melanie has been writing about inventory management for the past three years. When not writing about inventory management, you can find her eating her way through Auckland.

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